My first all grain batch went off with only a little hitch. Temperature. I found early on while heating my mash water that my hand held thermometer is 20 degrees lower than my kettle mounted thermometer. It took a little bit to figure out which one was accurate, kettle.
I was pretty nervous and excited for my first all grain batch. I'm very glad that I did so much prep work. I read and re-read How To Brew and watched lots of you tube videos. I hit and held my mash temp, I was just .001 off from my gravity reading so I am calling that a hit 1.062!!! I also found that my efficiency is at 70% I can live with that.
The wort looks and smells great and is currently in the fermenter doing it's thing.
I will be posting about the tasting in a few weeks when it is ready. Until then my next brew day will be an English Brown Ale "Through A Mild Darkly"