I just have a couple of things left to do until I'm all set to get started. I got a keg yesterday to convert to my HLT. I also began reading the all grain chapters of John Palmers' other book "How To Brew." This book is thee book to have if your learning to brew both extract and all grain. Today during lunch I was covering the chapters on the malting process and the chemical conversions that take place during mashing. I have to admit I found myself re-reading it a couple of times. It's very in depth but also graspable for even my mind, it's been a long time since chemistry and biology classes at Central Washington University.
Now what to choose as a first beer. I've been a little stuck. I was first thinking about starting with the first recipe, but that is a Light Lager. I don't have the right temperature control to start lagers so that will have to wait. So after consulting with my wife, Chapin, I will be doing IPA's. This is my favorite style and the one I'm most familiar with. So very soon I will be brewing up my first all grain beer and it will be the English IPA
So until then...
This is arsenal610 from BN. Just stopping by to see your new blog. I started my own blog a few weeks ago, but it's focused on beer reviewing.
ReplyDeleteI've personally never brewed, but plan to in the near future after I learn more about the different styles of beer.
Anyways, Good luck and have fun!